Saturday, October 17, 2009

3 month pictures

So I am late on adding these since he will be 4 months next week but here they are. He is doing pretty good...still hasn't figured out naps but I am hopeful that will all change with the four months
ferguson family
atigun and daddy

Saturday, August 22, 2009

the ultimate MAD creation

the boys are sleeping and I got up early to work out. I thought the breastfeeding would be helping me to take off some baby weight but I seem to have gained a few the past two weeks so the workout begin.
Baby A...where to begin.
June 24th I felt pretty good all day, had a few contractions mid day as I was having some Mary time checking out a few thrift stores and trying to calm my mind from the sadness that has been filling it since Ian died. It is impossible to calm the sadness I seemed to bring it with me everywhere I go. It might not be on the surface but it is not very far behind the smile I have at times forced onto my face.
Andy was in day one of a two day meeting and it was probably 90 degrees out so after I finished working for the day I decided to take a dip in the pool. I had just got in when I felt like I peed myself. Which is a pretty weird feeling. So I called my mom and she said I should call the Dr. I called Labor and Delivery and they suggested I eat some dinner have bit of a rest then come in and they could test me to see if my water broke. Andy and I headed down there at 8:30pm. They tested the fluid and it was amnioic fluid so I was admitted despite my "plans" to labor at home. Luckily I had recently surrendered to the fact that my life was no longer in my control and I was merely along for the ride for the time being. Perhaps someday I will regain a bit of control for no other reason than to steer things in the direction I would like them to go.
So the Midwife suggested that I get settled into my room, perhaps get some rest and we will see if contractions get going, if not they were going to start me on a pitocin drip, I really didn't want this. I was hoping to at least get to use the tub and shower when I wanted and if I was on pitocin I would be hooked up to at IV and on the monitors the whole time. So I got settled into room 7 and the nurse came in to put in my IV port ( I am sure there is a correct name for it but I can't remember what it is) in case I needed it in the future. I ended up fainting while she did this, because I was standing up and she collapsed the vein. So she redid it in my hand which was pretty lame because it made using my hand pretty difficult.
The night wore on, Andy and I got little rest, we walked for a bit but the contractions didn't get going at all. At 4am the nurse came in with the pitocin and some how I mananged to get the contractions going enough that they let me keep trying on my own. They were steady and not bad for the next 4 hours. My Bestie Sara showed up at about 9 am, she was coming down for the weekend to hang out with me and get any last minute baby stuff done. So at this point the contractions had stopped. I was pacing the room and getting worried. One of the nurses came in and suggested I try nipple stimulation, this did the trick, after 3 hours of it I finally got some strong steady contractions. During the night baby had decided to turn around so my labor became back labor...oh my. I wanted to get in the tub around noon and I spent some good time laboring in there, constantly unable to get any relief from the back pain. I got pretty cold in there so then went to the shower. I showered for along time, the hot water gave me some relief and I was able to squat down in there. My parents showed up around 2 pm ready to help get this moving along. I tried the ball, walking and rocking back and forth. At 4pm they checked me and I was only 4 centimeters, pretty discouraging.
Things really started taking off after that. I got in the shower again, then the new nurse barb got me to drink as much water as I could and labor on the toilet leaning against Andy. I made it to the bed at one point and they gave me some pain meds that lasted an hour, this gave me a small bit of relief and I ended up laboring the rest of the time on the toilet. I felt the need to push at about 8:30pm. I was dilated to 9 am at this point and they said it was okay to start pushing. Kit (our mid-wife) helped to get his head through the cervix while I pushed. I started in a kind of squat, then was on my knees leaning over the top of the bed, then on my back for the last of it. Andy, mom and sara where right there and my dad wasn't too far away. I felt the baby's head right before the last push and once his head was out his shoulder came out very easily. Kit said to "Grab your baby!". I reached down, grabbed his shoulder and pulled him onto my chest. We were all crying. He was on his side so I couldn't see his face and I kept asking what is it...Mom finally said its a Boy. Andy was too consumed with looking at his face and hands to even check! We ooed and awed at him. Amazed at what had just happened. He was so alert and chill. He spend about an hour on me before they measured and weighed him. It was amazing and crazy, incredible and scary, and most of all perfect.
Andy will write his own version and I will post that as soon as he has it done. He read this and said he could elaborate so much more.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Atigun is here!

Just a quick post to put up some pictures of the new Man in our life. I hope to post his birth story and more details soon...I am bummed it has taken me 6 weeks to get this posted but my life has been turned inside out in more ways than one.

little hand
proud daddy
Atigun John Dethlefs
7 pounds 1 ounce
21 inches
June 25th, 2009 9:48 pm

Sunday, May 31, 2009

35 week update

Made it to 35 weeks. Had an appointment with my midwife on Friday and baby is growing perfectly. I am measuring at 35 so things are looking good. I am definitely feeling the hips spread and my midwife said she could feel that my pubic bone has started to separate, which should help when it is time for baby to come out. Other than the usual back ache I am feeling good. Looking for a place that does prenatal massage because I am in need of one!
The baby birds are growing so fast and I think they will learn to fly this week. They hardly fit in the nest anymore. Mom comes by a few times a day to feed them but she doesn't hang around like she used to. Every time I get up to take her picture feeding them she takes off and I can't seem to catch her in the morning when the light is best. I hope I am around when they learn to fly.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


There is a Hummingbird nest in the wind chime in our backyard and little baby birds were born last week. I try and sneak out to get pictures in the morning, but it make Andy really nervous to see me standing on a chair...I just take the pictures when he is not looking.
My cousins threw a baby shower for us on May 16th. It was the most fun I've had in a long time. It was so great to see family I haven't seen in awhile and get to meet some new family members as well. Andy's parents traveled from Jerome Idaho and our wonderful friends from LA "team Owens" made it as well. It was such a great day.

Andy chatting with Glenda and Jill, Mary's belly in the background!

Grandma Gotisar, soon to be great grandma Gotisar decorating a onesie for baby.

Me at 34 weeks...and feeling it. My back in pretty much always hurting and my sciatic nerve is not so happy about the extra weight out front. But I will take back pain over nausea any day!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I couldn't sleep once the birds started singing this morning so I am up playing on the computer. Baby is so active it is amazing. Andy and I met with a midwife on Friday to discuss that option for the birth. At this point  I am leaning that way and I think Andy is too. Hopefully the rest of our families will support our decision but as long as he and I are comfortable with it that is really all that matters. I am really interested in a water birth and with a midwife that would be a reality but if we do decide to go the hospital route we won't be able to do that. 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Busy Week

I have had a pretty busy last week or so! Most important thing I do everyday is continue to grow this baby!
The Giants played the Diamond Backs (lost in the last inning), but as always it was really fun to go!
Andy and I went to visit my parents recently and I fell in love with the blue fabric I found at the Picket Fence in Cave Junction. I decided to pick our a few more fabrics and this is what I got.
Mom helped me put it all together. I still have to layer and quilt it. We did put a border on it as well. I will include some pictures of that soon.

Andy's cousin Krissy had a baby Girl on April 5th so I made her this quilt! It is out of Heather Ross's fabric. I love the mermaids and so badly wanted to make something for myself but I don't know what to make yet.
I have also been nesting like crazy!! It is almost getting obsessive. I pick a room and just attack it. Yesterday I rearranged the kitchen. Clean out all the drawers, lined the shelves, cleaned everything but the microwave off the counter. It feels so much better to have the counters de-cluttered! Not sure which room I will attack today but I am sure I will figure something out!
Baby is very active throughout the day. I enjoy feeling it move and continue to love it more and more everyday! Andy and I started our childbirth classes this week and I also bought a book on Hypno birthing. I need to start reading that soon.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I started dressing up some of the onsies I've bought. I got a few books with stencils and then some screen printing ink. I think they are pretty cute.
Baby is really active this week..keeping me up a bit at night but I don't mind. I wish I had some extra time for a nap during the day, but right now it isn't happening. It is really exciting and fun to feel baby move and see the little movements on my belly!

Sara and Heidi were here a few weekends ago and we had a blast!

 I've started to have to put a napkin directly on my belly to catch what falls!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Good CA day

I got to chat with my GF Erin this morning, it has been probably a month since I talked to her so it was so nice to get to catch up. I knew the day was going to be a  good one after I got up and went for a walk first thing. We have some great trails less than a mile from the house so I turned on my new favorite podcast Pregtastic and off I went. It was a bit chilly making it perfect for walking. I also managed to score some great buys at A Wee Change. I got some maternity pants and some white onsies for baby. Sara and Heidi will be here tomorrow and I was hoping they would me get some craft time in with those. I recently bought some screen printing ink and different stencils and I can't wait to practice! I also scored some Fuzzy Bunz.
So all in all it is a great day so far. 

Here is new pic of the belly..I still fit in my regular jeans as long as I have the bella band, but I look forward to the comfort of the new maternity pants!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Triangle quilt

When and I had our wedding celebration in June I was fortunate enough to get to use some of Valori Wells fabric as our table runners. I have been looking at this fabric since then and finally decided to make a quilt out of some of it. I got the top done today.

I hope this is somewhat gender neutral, but I feel like it is a bit if baby is a boy it just might have to find a little baby girl to love it!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Things I have made for baby

I have been keeping busy making some things for baby. All of the sewn items are from Amy Butlers Little Stitches book. It has been really fun to get some stuff done! 

Snuggle blanket with hood

Kimono PJ's
Knit hat
Knit blanket

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Way too long

So I haven't posted in almost 8 months...been busy splitting cells and creating life. It is a lot of work! Baby is due on July 2nd! We are keeping the gender a surprised. 
I had my ultrasound on February 5th. Baby is growing more everyday and so is my belly. Things are going really well now that  I am through the icky nausea. Mine lasted into my second trimester but I am feeling great now! Baby is pretty active, especially at night when I am trying to get some rest. I think it is baby's way of getting me ready for all the nights I will be up with it nursing and rocking.

Here are the legs, long like Daddies.

The profile picture, again I think baby is going to look like daddy!